Saturday, November 6, 2010

Recession, Recession, Recession ???????


Here we go again, another recession. I think I have gone through three of them. As a child in the ‘50s, I have a faint recollection of Christmas time and my father being unemployed. He was a qualified chef and had worked in the best hotels in Dublin.
But in a recession qualifications means nothing. He was made redundant. For me it was great to have my dad at home, but being a kid I had no idea what it all meant.
Christmas came and Father Christmas delivered my present. It was a second hand Mecano Set. I was lucky not like some other kids, who received nothing. I wondered for years afterward, why Santa didn’t delivered a new one. Eventually my dad returned to work and we were back to normal.
The next two recessions were, for me, was not as bad. I had a good job in a semi-state company and had no worries through these recessions. I am retired now and will deal with any problems that confront us from now on. Let’s see what the budget will have for us all in December.


  1. The Christmas Memory part is so touching!

  2. The one certainty as to what the budget will have for us in December, is 'less'. We may be served a double whammy - it seems that Old Age Pensions will be reduced and we could be caught for increased income tax. We have already lost the waiver on the bin charges and we will definitely have to pay water rates sometime soon.

    I hope you still have that Mecano set!

  3. I like the Christmas part as well.....the love of our parent is always hard to be calculated.
